Daily Report -- Day 6

On 6th June, our team was divided into two groups. Ms. Akanksha along with Mr. Saom went to St.Thomas School in Longshyel. While the others stayed at Reon SSS Primary School to complete the painting work.
Programme for Akanksha:
The visit to St.Thomas School in Longshyel was really an overwhelming experience for me. Longshyel is the most remote area of the Kalimpong sub-division. This area hardly has any connectivity with the main land. There are no roads constructed in this area. In fact I was extremely surprised to know that even today this area doesn’t have any electricity supply leave aside mobile network. No wonder the whole village had gathered in the school to see the installation of the solar lights NER group had given them. We can’t even imagine what the value of those solar lights is for the people there and how grateful the people are to NER Group. For going to Longshyel, I left the camping area at 7:30 in the morning and walked for half an hour till I reached the end of the road where Saom picked me up in his car.  We had to travel a long way to reach our destination. We crossed the tourist town of Lava (at the height of about 7200 ft. from sea level). We also saw a newly inaugurated (inaugurated on 3rd May 2014) Buddhist Stupa at Ugyen Samten, Lava. We passed the picturesque tea gardens of Kalimpong. Despite the rough roads, the journey became enjoyable because of the lovely weather and breathtaking view all around. The journey took us longer than we had expected. We reached St. Thomas at 1:30 p.m. The teachers and the students were eagerly waiting for us. I was moved on seeing their humility and gratitude. It filled a great sense of pride in me that I am a part of NER Group and EKIN who are doing so much for the these underprivileged people with the help of EDI and GFF. The school Principal welcomed us with a speech and honoured us with “Khada” and a beautiful badge. Then Mr. Saom delivered a speech and introduced NER Group and EKIN to the people. We then gave the various gifts to the school members comprising water filter, a set of teaching learning material and a solar light system. They asked me to switch on the light of the school which is undoubtedly a very prized possession for them. Many villagers had also gathered there and they all were expressing their gratitude. The students then presented a very entertaining cultural programme comprising a skit, few dances and poems. We then had lunch. After that we distributed sweets to the students and then bade them goodbye. We then headed towards Kalimpong which took us nearly four and a half hours.
Programme for the rest of the team:
After having breakfast, all the team members got ready to finish the remaining work of painting the school. The first coating had dried and we applied the second coat of paint on the walls, doors and windows. It took us nearly six hours to complete the work. But none of us was feeling tired or exhausted. The lovely smiles on the faces of the students encouraged us to do as much as possible and the work became pleasant. The students were very pleased to see their renovated building which now appeared so beautiful. We all thoroughly enjoyed the day.

We installed new lights at the St. Thomas school:

And it was not easy at all reaching this place:

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