Testimonials -- Satish Kumar

I was lucky enough to be a part of the NER sponsored Kalimpong Project. On visiting several schools there I observed the following things:
  1. The children there have to work very hard to get education.
  2. It is very difficult for the children and adults there to arrange stationery material and books.
  3. The number of schools in this area is very less. Moreover the present schools are in a very poor condition without a proper building, light arrangement, furniture, books, etc. Children have to travel for hours to reach their schools.
  4. There is no electricity supply or mobile network. They don’t have any knowledge about computer. Some social organizations and NGOs help these institutes because of which they are sustaining.
  5. There are no arrangements for purified drinking water because of which they are affected by a number of water borne diseases.
  6. There are no hospitals or doctors in many villages because of which the villagers have to travel for 4-5 hours to reach hospitals.
Therefore when we provided them various books, computers, water filters and organized a medical camp for the people there, they were very happy and grateful and thanked all of us.  They really needed our help and I am glad we could do something for them. I hope such projects will be organised in future also and I will get a chance to be a part of them.

-Satish Kumar

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